Can i tell you a story.A few years ago I was painting and decorating this posh villa in Surrey for this super rich couple.Well the lady was a walking sex bomb and she looked a bit like Kelky Brooks.She wore a silk white blouse and her breasts where quite big with her nipples showing through her blouse.She wore a tight black leather mini had black nylon tights on full makeup and smelt of posh perfume.Wow a walking sex goddess. She drove off in her porsche.I went to her bathroom and looked in her laundry basket and took out her tight flimsy thongs.I undressed layed on the floor and put her thongs on my nose.You could smell her delicious ass and pussy aromas on her thongs.I took my dick out whilst her thongs were on my nose and masturbated furiously and came loads.She was so hot and sexy and i couldnt resist.Only ever done this once but the urge was so strong.
Nothings better than sniffing worshipping, licking & sucking and tasting and smelling a womans butthole aromas and flavours ,fingering her ass, tasting your fingers after wiggling them deep inside.My cock twitches when i have my face buried in a womans butthole
Could spend hours sniffing and worshipping her butthole, licking it, tongue punching her ass, putting my fingers in as deep as possible and then enjoying licking and tasting my fingers.She could sit on my face and fart on my tongue.mmmmmmm
Mmmm That looks to tasty.Love musky arse aromas and a good sniff and lick.Nothing better than tongue punching a beautiful butt, putting your fingers in deep then pulling out your fingers sniffing them and licking them clean.Enjoying her farts.mmmmm