Pornography in New York - 1970s

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Published by SpankMyMonkey
12 years ago
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mightydic 2 years ago
Twats were so hairy in the 70’s!
rallekalle321 7 years ago
More more more!
bluebird10 9 years ago
Great Movie
lidrummerman 9 years ago
A few years after I left home out east I was with a few friends at Plato's celebrating my birthday. Later on My swinging lifestyle was exposed for all in some doc and mag article with a scene of me spreadeagled getting done extensively full face legs in the air. All my relatives(did I mention that most of the men in my family are cops?)Its even in B&W just so fucking clear. Oh well it led to a short lived career in porn, when it was still in NYC.Once it went west we chose to stay.
devilspy 11 years ago
Early 70s documentary includes hardcore sex scenes.
Ron Delaney appears in a voice-only role.

Wonder who paid for this movie to be made? Even though Nixon was President, they do explore gay and bi sexual men and women. The interview with the store manager of a bookstore does not say that he sells porn because the stuff sells good. Good for profits. OMG, as reporter is examining a lube, he put some on his finger and licks it. lol They do explore a lot of areas of porn, even movie trailers. Those who fight the sex industry has not changed their reasons for shutting it down since the 79's. They use fear and scare tactics to try and fight.
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